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Hollywood’s Sequel: Stern Strikes Back

Well, NBA Commissioner David Stern managed to completely refute the debut edition of “Hollywood’s Blockbuster” in one swift move.

That’s right–Thursday night, Stern vetoed a three-way trade that would have sent Chris Paul to the Lakers, Pau Gasol to the Rockets, and Lamar Odom to the Hornets, in addition to other moves. Superteam denied. To say that the whole situation is a tad shady would be a gigantic understatement. Stern’s reason for the veto? The trade wasn’t “in the best interests of the league.” The real question here is what “league” Stern is referring to–the league that includes 29 other teams, 2 of which were also involved in the trade which had been agreed upon by every GM involved, or the league that owns the New Orleans Hornets. Certainly if the trade didn’t involve the league-owned Hornets, Stern’s initiative for parity would be much more convincing. However, under these circumstances, it seems that Stern simply didn’t want to give up the only cash cow the Big Easy’s NBA franchise has left. The three teams involved in the trade are reportedly appealing to the league, and analysts across the country are calling for Stern’s head.

The one thing Stern can celebrate from all of this? He has officially taken the title of World’s Craziest Commissioner from Vince McMahon.


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